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Clarence Leo Fender

August 10, 1909 – March 21, 1991


Emplyed at Fender: 1938-1965

Leo Fender (August 10, 1909 – March 21, 1991) was born in a barn in Fullerton, the city he was to live his whole life in. After graduating from college, he started Fender Radio Shop in Fullerton in 1938. This was the beginning and ground zero of his journey into music instruments of what was to become a remarkable and revolutionary journey During World War 2, Before the Telecaster was created, he developed Lap Steel guitars and amplifiers with Doc Kauffman Orr. Together they started a company called K&F Manufacturing Co. producing and selling Lapsteel & Amplifier combos. The company did not last long, and in 1946 Kauffman pulled out and Leo renamed the company "Fender Manufacturing", which soon again was renamed to "Fender Electric Instrument Co." in 1947.

The rise of the solid-body electric guitar was not solely Fenders doing. Other individuals would start inventing their own solid body guitars, like Les Paul who were building his "Log" at Epiphone. Leo eventually started working on what would to become the Fender Esquire, the precursor of the Telecaster. In 1948 he had a prototype ready.

He launched the Esquire in 1950, that was to further evolve to the 2-pickup Broadcaster, then ultimately Telecaster after a trademark dispute with Gretch.

Fender Fullerton factory would go trough two sites to begin with. First location was in Santa Fe Avenue, for a short time. The second location was Pomona Avenue where he built a new larger building that would expand his operations. And finally, the last location at 500 South Raymond Avenue where Fender would establish a full scale factory and distribution loaction and soon invent the Stratocaster. This location was handed to CBS when Leo sold his company in 1964.


Leo was an inventor first and a businessman second. He did not know how to play guitar ever, yet alone tune one up, but was always keen on learning from artists what they need and improvements they wish to see for his guitars.

Leo sold Fender in 1964 to CBS because he thought he was terminally ill, when in fact he was not. He remained a consultant for CBS for a few years. He would develop the micro-tilt system for them mention one of his invention post Fender ownership.

After some years, he would become involved with business affairs alongside ex-Fender employee Forrest White and Tom Walker. With them they started what was to become "Music Man" which Fender became president for in 1975 under his CLF Research company he had founded.

He pulled out a short time after and started G&L with George Fullerton. This was to be the last position Leo worked at where he kept developing on the Stratocaster inspired design until he passed away.

During his tenure with G&L, Leo got married to Phyllis Fender after his first wife Esther died of cancer in 1979. With Phyllis, Leo took the opportunity to travel a great deal around the world. He was fond of boat and cruise trips and would visit many countries trough his exploring adventures.

After a couple of minor strokes, Leo Fender passed away in March 1991 following complications from Parkinson disease. Phyllis died in 2020.

Great book about Leo i would recommend Leo Fender The Quiet Giant Heard Around The World

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