about this site
THIS SITE WAS aimed to bring more focus to building or assembling your own partcaster guitar. But it has more become an informational site that i build when i have time. I still aim to bring some info to partcaster builders.
Ia m Just a guy who loves to play a little guitar but more so, love to fix, tinker, build, assemble and experiment with them. I fix guitars for myself and i fix guitars for other people too. Deeply passionate about luthierism and tech work.
As of now, i add a little info here and there. I still have the blog up in case i want to write some reviews or tips
If you wish to collaborate, happy to do so.
I AM available any time if you need help with something on Fender builds, pickup choices, Pickup ID, Wiring requirement. Ask me ANYTHING! I love to talk about guitars.. Just use the chat bubble and i will quickly get back to you. I am open for any ideas this website could have.
This website is absolutely free of any Hack Youtube guitar posers & AI-content. Everything is written from my fingertips.This website is absolutely free I have also given myself a rule to NEVER post YT videos from monetizing. Youtubers. Screw those people.